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Our Role in European Missions

  • First Baptist Church of Orange Park 1140 Kingsley Avenue Orange Park United States (map)

Our teenagers and adults will meet together this evening as we welcome our missionary to Europe, John Robinson. John and the team at Linguæ Christi have been working to reach the minority language speakers (Celtic, Iber-Romance, Italo-Romance, Germanic, Gallo-Romance, Balto-Slavic, and more) throughout the European continent. In many of these places, no gospel witness or established church exists where the message of Christ is presented regularly in these heart languages.

John serves as the Director of Linguæ Christi, the mission organization based in northern Wales, and on our church staff as our missionary to Europe.

He joins us in person this evening and will give an overview of the ministry, the need for continued work in this area, and updates on our partnership.

We seek to take high school students to Europe in 2025 over spring break as an introduction to the work and then annually provide opportunities for high school graduates and college students to serve on summer staff with Linguæ Christi. Opportunities for adults of all ages to join in the mission to Europe will be presented as well.

All teenagers and adults will gather in the worship center this evening.

January 10


January 21

Sunday Seminar - Apologetics with Dr. Timothy Paul Jones