Dial-A-Sermon Is Active Again 904.298.6417

At the height of the pandemic our church began streaming and posting recordings of our weekly sermons for those unable to leave their homes. In many cases, watching a recorded sermon online or downloading an audio podcast was a small way to stay connected with the church family. We strongly encourage those who are able, to not settle for viewing or listening to a service while remaining home. It simply does not fulfill the commands of scripture.

However, there are those in our church family who are truly hindered from leaving home, either due to health or other serious reasons. For those, we gladly offer the online services to view or hear.

Even in the early days of our streaming services and offering podcasts, we recognized that while many had no issues streaming YouTube or listening to a podcast, there were many without internet access or smartphones. Often, these are our senior adults who have been and remain faithful members of our fellowship. Yet, the inability to watch, listen, and participate in weekly Lord’s Day gatherings are difficult. 

Thankfully, we were able to offer what we call Dial-A-Sermon (we just really couldn’t think of a better name) for these church members. Using the website Twilio and instructions from this website, we created a local phone number for our church members to call. There were approximately a dozen members who used this feature weekly. Each Sunday, following the service, we would upload the audio recording of the sermon. By dialing the number, church members could listen to the day’s message.

Sadly, we had some issues with the software about six months ago and discontinued the service.

I am glad to share that we have been able to reestablish the service and now Dial-A-Sermon from First Baptist Church of Orange Park is working once more. The number is 904.298.6417. The ones who were regularly using the service will be notified of its availability once more. If you know someone who could benefit, please pass along the number.   


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