“A Patient Is a Person, No Matter How Small.” - Dr. William Lile

When the Roe v. Wade decision was handed down by the US Supreme Court in 1973 suddenly Christians and churches were awakened to the reality of legalized abortion on demand nationwide. For a good portion of the nation, celebrations ensued. This was deemed a feminist victory and was lauded in the media, on the street corners, and in television sitcoms, dramas, and films. I can still remember wondering what Maude was talking about in Norman Lear’s controversial “abortion episode” of the sit-com as a young boy watching television in 1972. I did not understand what the subject of the day, but looking back I can see now how the culture wars were being played out in the public square…and in America’s living rooms.

Since the Roe v. Wade decision, the dividing lines of Pro-Life and Pro-Abortion (or Pro-Choice) Americans were drawn and Christians were no longer able to stand on the sidelines, at least not for long.

Terms became commonplace in the American lexicon. Words like trimester became common nomenclature within the battle for life. The term was not new, but Justice Harry Blackman of the US Supreme Court pushed it into the conversation regarding viability of life. His expertise on pregnancy trimesters was advice he received from some at Mayo Clinic. His application of the term as affirming viability of life was suspect at best. Justice Blackman inserted the trimester language into the Roe decision giving permission for legal abortion based on the length of time of a woman’s pregnancy. Within the first trimester, the states would have no option but to allow abortion. During the second trimester, states could intervene and during the third trimester, states could make abortion illegal.[1] It seemed to be a compromise in the ruling for the diverse beliefs of Americans, but it actually became more divisive as determining the actual dates of each trimester are fuzzy at best.

This was, as has been said, when the camel’s nose went under the tent.

For Christians who hold to a biblical worldview, the determination that life is not life until a certain date months after conception was untenable. Thus, the organized pro-life lobbies and movements were launched. For almost fifty years, the seemingly unthinkable was prayed for, marched against, peacefully protested (and sadly, in some non-affirmed cases, not peacefully protested) against, and lobbied for. This was the desired overturn of the Roe v. Wade decision. In the meantime, crisis preganancy centers opened throughout the nation, offering counsel, sonograms, and support to women and men with unplanned pregnancies. We support our local crisis pregnancy center gladly here in Clay County – First Coast Women’s Services.

Then, in June 2022, the US Supreme Court overturned the Roe v. Wade case with its decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. This eliminated the federal right to abortion in the United. States.[2] Like many, I celebrated this decision. Yet, I knew the fight for life was not over. In fact, it had just entered a new phase and would require even more from those fighting for the lives of the unborn.

The Dobbs decision was instrumental and essential, but it did not eliminate abortion-on-demand in our nation. It simply moved the law from the federal level back to the state level. As many of you know, the battle has intensified and the relaxed Christians who wrongly thought repealing Roe v. Wade was the end are now realizing there are many more laps to go in this race.

Abortion tourism is now a reality. States have enacted constitutional amendments and approved laws making abortion even more readily available in places. Suddenly, the trimester argument is out as abortion at any time has become the desire for many, and in some cases has become reality.

With over 60 percent of 2023 abortions in America now accomplished via so-called medication abortions, the facts are more lives are lost in the privacy of America’s bathrooms than in clinics. Mifepristone and related drugs are just a mailbox away. The Guttmacher Institute, a research group that supports abortion rights, states that 642,700 women took the drug in 2023.[3] Consequently, the victory lap for the pro-lifers like me, was short.

As one pastor friend said, “The ACLU and Planned Parenthood has called our bluff” in response to our focus to “let the states decide.” The states are deciding.

Floridians Get to Choose

The Florida Supreme Court ruled Monday, April 1, 2024 ruled that Florida voters will decide in November whether to amend the state constitution to legalize what has been called by the pro-abortion supporters “abortion rights.” The arguments have not changed, but due to social media, recent reports, and vocal proponents, the “My Body, My Rules” theme is louder than ever and once again abortion is considered little more than health care (the pregnant woman, not the baby’s.)

The court is allowing two possibilities. One is the possibility of a law banning abortion after six weeks of conception. The other is to allow voters to decide whether to declare abortion a constitutional right.[4]

Like most Americans, we love when the people get to decide (unless we fear that our desired result will not be approved.)

I do think the people should decide. I want to make that clear. My concern is that the verbiage of any such amendment or ballot initiative will be written in such a way to eliminate clarity, create confusion, and lead some to vote opposite of what they would if they truly understood the proposed initiative.

Thus, education and explanation is needed. If Christians do not take a moment to explain, then someone else will…and likely without a biblical worldview backing the explanation.

This is why I am sharing this information from Dr. William Lile, an OB/GYN who has been featured in the news and online regarding his pro-life stance for years. His most recent video is pointedly focused on this ballot initiative. Dr. Lile practices medicine in the Florida panhandle and is an active member of a Baptist church.

Watch the video. Check out Dr. Lile’s site – prolifedoc.org and be sure to vote this fall in Florida educated on the issues. I will.


[1] Mohler, R. Albert. “Wednesday, January 4, 2023.” AlbertMohler.Com, 4 Jan. 2023, http://albertmohler.com/2023/01/04/briefing-1-4-23/ .

[2] “Roe v. Wade Overturned: Our Latest Resources.” Guttmacher Institute, 19 Mar. 2024, www.guttmacher.org/abortion-rights-supreme-court?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw2a6wBhCVARIsABPeH1sX4Mb3W7tsZvs3UOmDRRL5yC0iHLykl72SR4Rc7a8bDkPWKkWQiLQaAk45EALw_wcB.

[3] “More than 6 in 10 U.S. Abortions in 2023 Were Done by Medication, New Research Shows.” CBS News, CBS Interactive, 20 Mar. 2024, www.cbsnews.com/news/6-in-10-us-abortions-2023-medication-mifepristone-guttmacher-institute/.

[4] Pierson, Brendan, and Tom Hals. “Florida Top Court Lets Abortion Rights Ballot Measure Go to Voters ...” Florida Top Court Allows for Near-Total Abortion Ban; Says Voters Can Decide Issue in November, www.reuters.com/world/us/florida-top-court-lets-abortion-rights-ballot-measure-go-voters-2024-04-01/. Accessed 2 Apr. 2024.



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