IVF, Court Decisions, and Christian Families
Image by Elena Έλενα Kontogianni Κοντογιάννη from Pixabay
A recent Alabama Supreme Court ruling has created quite a stir among pro-life and pro-choice advocates in our nation. The dividing lines between those who align within these two categories are not new. As a Christian who believes that life of an image-bearer of God begins at conception, I have been clearly within the pro-life camp for as long as I could be categorized. For some, these issues are simply political in nature. For me, my understanding of the gift of life stems from what I deem a biblical worldview.
For decades the push to overturn the Roe v. Wade U.S. Supreme Court decision has been a goal for pro-lifers. In 2022 victory was declared by many when the high court ruled Roe v. Wade to be unconstitutional. Yet, while many were taking victory laps (perhaps rightly so) the reality was not that abortion-on-demand had been eradicated in our nation, but that the onus simply shifted from a national ruling to state laws.
There are numerous articles, blog posts, books, and more focusing on the right-to-life issues as they now stand. There will be even more as states either pass laws that codify the protection of unborn babies or loosen protections under the guise of “reproductive rights.” Yet, this recent ruling from Alabama has immediately moved to center stage and is leading to many conversations and in some cases challenges, even for those who would declare themselves to be pro-life.
Unborn Babies ARE Children
Many remember the horrific story of Laci Peterson’s murder in 2002. The story made headlines for years as the investigation and trial of her husband Scott took place. Scott Peterson was found guilty in November 2004 of first-degree murder of Laci. Additionally, he was found guilty of second-degree murder of their unborn infant.[1] This all occurred in California. Thus, even in a state that is not known for being pro-life politically or culturally, the law found Scott guilty of two murders. This is significant. Apparently, the unborn baby was not simply an embryo or “lump of cells” but so that a murder conviction could be attained, was rightly defined as a human being. While some may say that since Laci was eight-months pregnant and within the final trimester, it negates using this example the way I have. Perhaps, but according to a report in U.S. News & World Report from January 2024, eight states plus the District of Columbia currently have no restrictions on gestation for women seeking abortions.[2] Therefore, according to current state laws, in far too many cases abortion may be done at any point during the pregnancy…even at eight months.
The Peterson case is just one example. The point is that when it seems convenient for a desired end, suddenly the unborn child is a child. From a biblical perspective, the life of an image-bearer of God, a human being, is precious and thus, from conception, regardless of convenience, a child is a child…even a child still within the mother’s womb. Sin threw death into the story and after millennia of wars, murders, disease, and even what has been called “natural death,” many Christians fail to remember that death while seemingly “natural” was never to be considered such. In other words, natural death is an affirmation of that which entered the world through sin and as Christians should awaken us to God’s plan and answer. Thus…the beauty of life and the gospel.
IVF (In Vitro Fertilized) Embryos ARE Children
Now, for the story that is buzzing around social media and the news. The Alabama Supreme Court ruled that In vitro fertilized (IVF) embryos are legally defined as children under the state’s law and constitution. Therefore, they are provided equal protection under the law, regardless of their location—either within the mother’s womb or in storage in a laboratory.[3] For those who support and promote the viability of life as beginning at conception (like me,) this seems to be a no-brainer. However, this may become a landmark decision that shifts the tectonic plates of the culture’s “reproductive rights” argument. This will also become a conversation leading to shifts in philosophy among many self-proclaimed, evangelical, pro-lifers.
Married heterosexual Christian couples desiring to have children are desiring a good thing. In fact, based on passages such as Genesis 1:28 and Psalm 127, the couple desiring children are desiring a godly, holy gift. As many know, there are faithful, Christian couples who have gone through IVF treatments as aids to help in their conception of a child. For many, this has become their last, best option to have their own biological children. Yet, in many cases, the theological questions related to the harvesting of eggs and sperm are never answered. In many cases, they are never asked.
Thus, to misapply a quote from Dr. Ian Malcom of Jurassic Park, some “were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should” do such a thing.
This is a hot button topic, and the fact is that many evangelicals would rather not discuss it at all. There are morality issues to consider before any couple moves forward with such a process. The process is risky. If not for the mother and father, certainly for the children who are conceived (even if outside the mother’s womb.) The technology in and of itself is not wrong, in my opinion. However, the same technology that can allow a heartbroken young married couple the promise of pregnancy can, with donated gametes, be used by a same-sex couple or a single woman to have a baby. A single person can even hire a surrogate to aid in the process.[4] As some read those previous statements, anger wells up as thoughts of “Who do you think you are?” come to mind.
Perhaps even more troubling is the potential of commodification of pre-born children as sperm, eggs, rented wombs, and the desire to put together the perfect child as the concept moves from science fiction as in the book and film Logan’s Run to current reality. Perhaps even more troubling is the marketability of such traits that reeks too much of the eugenics-laced philosophy of Margaret Sanger and others.
However, most if not all of those currently seeking IVF are not proponents of eugenics and likely have never considered the term at all. The faithful, church-going couple who met at youth camp, grew up in church, got married in their home church, and filled their new home with reminders of God’s love, simply want to have children. You know, just as the Bible affirms. But due to medical issues and unforeseen difficulties, they are having difficulty conceiving. Thus…IVF. This is the story most common among those I know.
Nevertheless, the questions are not about the morality of the process or technology known as IVF at this point. The current issues on the table now revolve around the dozens of frozen embryos that remain in storage during the IVF journey. If these are fertilized eggs, then are they not conceived children?
Suddenly, the Alabama Supreme Court has answered the question. Their 8-1 ruling has set off a firestorm between the political right and left. Many even on the political right do not know how to respond. Even more, Christians who just wanted a baby are now asking the questions they never considered. This has become the issue that no one was truly discussing, or at least they were talking of it in whispers. Why? Because issues are easier to dissect when people do not have loved ones and friends who are facing them personally.
The case made it to the highest state court when couples filed suit against the Center for Reproductive Medicine in Mobile after an unauthorized individual destroyed stored embryos. Since Alabama has a Wrongful Death of a Minor Act on the books, the couples took their case to the highest court. Suddenly the embryos were reclassified, as they should be, as children. The ruling stated that unborn children are children “without exception based on developmental stage, physical location, or any other ancillary characteristics.”[5]
This ruling forces Christians to provide counsel and answers from a biblical perspective. It is right and good for a married, heterosexual couple to desire children. IVF may be the route chosen. If IVF is chosen, Christians must be proactive when it comes to the process. It is right to consider these pre-born children as just that…children. The term embryo just softens the reality of their existence a bit. The process of IVF is risky and expensive and does not always work. Beyond the monetary cost and the medical procedures, the reality of life (of the child and children) must always be considered.
Embryo Unborn Child Adoption
I have friends who have gone through IVF and are blessed with beautiful children. They revealed to me the possibility of embryo adoption. In 2017 it was projected that 700,000 children exist as frozen embryos.[6] That number is likely much higher now. Thankfully, there are organizations that work to connect these children with parents who are unable to conceive or simply wish to add to their family. While the government may not consider embryo adoption as valid terminology, simply because to adopt would mean that embryos must be classified as children (as they are now in Alabama,) this does not invalidate the truth.
A quick online search will reveal a number of Christian organizations that provide such services. For the couple now wrestling with the question of what to do with their stored, fertilized embryos (children,) connecting with such an agency seems to be a great opportunity. For the couple struggling to conceive, these organizations may well be a good option.
As stories such as this one from Alabama hit the news cycle (there will be more rulings and news stories,) commit to pray for those most affected. Pray for those who may just now be coming to grips with the reality of what was previously not considered. Pray that believers will seek to live and view all of life from a biblical worldview. When it comes to life, pray that we will continue to view each human being, regardless of fertilization date, date of conception, age, or location to be beautifully created image-bearers of the one who is life.
[1] Walrath-Holdridge, Mary. “Murder of Laci Peterson: Timeline as Scott Peterson’s Case Picked up by Innocence Project.” USA Today, Gannett Satellite Information Network, 19 Jan. 2024, www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/01/19/scott-laci-peterson-case-timeline/72281058007/.
[2] Haines, Julia. “Where State Abortion Laws Stand Without Roe.” U.S. News & World Report, 31 Jan. 2024, https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/articles/a-guide-to-abortion-laws-by-state.
[3] Mohler, R. Albert. “In Defense of the Frozen Children,” World, 20 Feb. 2024, https://wng.org/opinions/in-defense-of-the-frozen-children-1708429809.
[4] Mohler.
[5] GMA Team, “Alabama Supreme Court Ruling Raises Questions About IVF Access,” ABC News, 20 Feb. 2024, https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/Wellness/alabama-supreme-court-ruling-raises-questions-ivf-access/story?id=107361981#:~:text=In%20an%20unprecedented%20decision%2C%20the,the%20sanctity%20of%20unborn%20life.
[6] Wilson, Aaron. “What Christians Should Know About Embryo Adoption.” The Gospel Coalition, 16 Feb. 2017, https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/what-christians-should-know-about-embryo-adoption/.